Happy Mother’s Day!

by Sarah Earlene Shere

Below is an e-mail I wrote and sent out, last year, for Mother’s Day.

Praying the Truths contained within continue to be a Blessing!

Happy Mother’s Day, to my Family and Friends! : )

What can be said about motherhood that has not been said before? If we had the time, each of us could share what we think a mother is and should be. I look for a new word on motherhood, as I don’t wish for my writings to become stale…. But maybe that is my problem; there is no “new word” because, like our own individual mothers, motherhood is constant and consistent (this being said with the understanding that even unpredictability becomes predictable).

It’s worth noting that God chose woman (mothers) to carry and bring forth the human race; even Jesus was born of a human woman. While this is not the only purpose of my gender, it is a high honor and a calling! That’s one reason why it is so important to God that we not enter physical relationships carelessly. Yes, motherhood is a calling, and I encourage you to listen closely for that call before entering the possibility of gaining that title!

Perhaps you do not feel that call; perhaps you do, but are physically limited. Perhaps your mother rejected the call, or could not fulfill it, due to outside circumstances. Know this: God has never left nor forsaken you…and He never will! He has placed in your life others for you to love, teach, nurture and help grow; He has brought women into your life who have helped you, encouraged you and inspired you along your way!

But if you have a good mother, this Sunday, think of her first. She must be patient (after all, you’re her child). She must be understanding (she’s the first one you think of going to with anything). She must have encouraged, inspired, supported and cheered you on (doubtful you could have accomplished all you have without her influence). By now you’ve learned she’s only human (but, come to think of it, so are you). True, at times she’s been harsh (but let’s admit it, she probably felt driven to it). I know these facts are true, because God gave me a good mother!

This Mother’s Day, know that God created you and placed you within the mother He did with a plan and a purpose! Know, too, that when your mother was there for you, held you close and carried you, God was saying, “This is how I love you!”. And when it seemed your mother dropped you or pushed you away, God picked you up, held you close to His heart and said, “I’ll carry you, Myself!”.

This Mother’s Day, take time to thank your good mother, pray for your prodigal mother, think on the happy memories spent with your late mother; reflect on the awesome wonder and honor that you are a mother, wait for the call to motherhood in God’s time, reach out to someone who needs a mother’s love and thank God He gave you life through a mother, that you might bring Glory to Him!

My Love and Prayers go with you all! Remember, God Loves you no matter what!