Celebrate with me!

by Sarah Earlene Shere

Twenty years ago, I fell in love. Truth be told, He had been charming me and drawing me to Himself for, literally, as long as I could remember. But there came a specific day that I could say that I truly fell in love with Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

 It happened 20 years ago, the first week of October, 2002, during a performance of “Godspell” I attended.  I don’t remember the name of the young man who played Jesus, and I don’t know anything about him, but I became captivated by his portrayal. Here was “Jesus”, smile beaming, eyes twinkling, laughing, singing, dancing, praising God WITH His “disciples”, in the midst of them, one with them, as “God with” them!

I was fascinated with the way “Jesus” looked at each of the “disciples”, with love and light in his eyes. I was impressed at the boldness with which “He” literally touched each of them, male and female, differently. There was nothing awkward or inappropriate in these exchanges. It was all done with innocence, purity and the most sincere love!

The crucifixion scene was the most accurate portrayal I had ever seen. There was no distraction of weapons and blood, but the focus was on the real pain Jesus felt: the weight of the sins of the world, betrayal by those He loved, the rejection of His Father, God. No nails held Him in place, only the determination of willing surrender, spurred by love!

I went home rejoicing, excited, and with a longing to get back to something I had walked away from: my writing. I had a desire to show the world the Jesus I had just seen: real, touching and touchable. I sat down at my desk and asked God to write through me. I felt like an outsider looking in as my hand flew across the pages, writing in a style I had never written before (fantasy/Biblical allegory), and actually completing it (story completion on paper was a rarity for me).

Twenty years ago I fell in love with Jesus, and I was inspired to take a writing path I never dreamt possible for me! In celebration of this milestone, I would like to announce my intention to publish the story that my experience, in 2002, inspired. Also, hopefully being released next year is the first in a series of children’s picture books I created (also inspired by my “Godspell” experience). Stay tuned for more details within the coming year!

I want to thank you all for joining me on this wild ride that has been my writing journey! If you are on social media, be sure to follow me on Instagram (my favorite platform) where I endeavor to daily bring enchantment, and where I hope to be expanding my writing platform soon (https://www.instagram.com/sweetsureshot/). You will also find, on Instagram, all my Fairy Tale Flash Fiction stories under #FairyTaleFlashFictionFriday, each with a beautiful picture appropriate to its story.

And don’t forget, I have three stories on Amazon, in three anthologies: “21 Days of Christmas”, “Whitstead Christmastide” and “Whitstead Harvestide”. https://www.amazon.com/Sarah-Earlene-Shere/e/B0141Q11JW?ref_=dbs_p_ebk_w0m_abau_000000

Twenty years ago I wouldn’t have believed I would be a multi-published author, with more stories waiting to be released, with more in the works! But, here I am, proving that God’s plans for us are good, He uses the simple to confound the wise and all things work together for good for those who love Him, “day by day”! (Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 8:28, 1 Corinthians 1:27)